Monday, September 29, 2008

Getting Out of the House

Wow what a weekend!!!! This past weekend was so nice, I was able to get out of the house and do things that I have not done in a long time.

Friday night my friend Becky and I went and watched a movie at Allred Theatre. We watched a brand new release called Eagle Eye and it was an amazing movie, filled with action, and a good story line. I would recommend going to see it, you won't be diappointed. After the movie Becky went to pick up her boys, and I went home to spend the rest of the evening alone watching movies at my house, fun huh. I just thought I was going to get to relax at home, next thing I know my cousin sarah is knocking on my front door. I open my door look outside and see my boss Don with a suburban full of 17 softball girls. I ended up taking four of the girls in my car and followed Don to his house, and I hung out with the girls for a little while and then went back home and went to bed.

Saturday I went and ate lunch with Shaya, and we decided to go out Saturday night. We went to Miami for about two hours, and then we drove back to Langley and went Riggs until it closed. I didn't think I would have that much fun, but I was wrong I had a blast. It was so nice getting to hang out with Shaya again, and I'm for sure going out next Saturday w/some other friends as well.

As for Matt and I we are still talking and I am still hoping that everything works out for us. Being broken up has helped me to realize how much I miss doing the things I used to do, and also go out and do things I am scared to do. Things can only get better from here.
Well I have to get back to work. See ya