Friday, June 13, 2008

Passing the Time

Today is Friday June 13th, and I am so happy to say that Matt will be returning home on Monday. To be quite honest it has not been that bad with him gone. My family has been keeping me pretty busy so I haven't really had time to think about Matt being gone, but when I do think about him I'm ready for him to come back home.

Now moving on to a better note. Last night I attended the first night of Country Fever 2008, and I have to say that it was probably one of the best concerts I have ever beent to. My Father, youngest sister and I all went. We didn't go until about 8:00pm to watch Joe Nichols who opened for Sugarland. Joe Nichols did alright, but the best part of the night was watching Sugarland perform, they were incredible, there are no words to describe the show the put on last night. If you like country music, you should try to go to one of their concerts you will be blown away by their performance. Tonight Gretchen Wilson it going to open up for Dierks Bentley so I'm sure it will be another night packed with great performances, so I better quit blogging and start getting ready. See ya Later

Thursday, June 5, 2008

It's Been Awhile

I'm so sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything on here. I'm not very good at keeping up with this blogger am I? I'll try to catch everyone up on what I have been up to, but to be quite honest my life hasn't changed much since the lost post.

It's so hard to believe that this month I will have been at my job for a whole year. I guess when you love your job time just flies by. We still have not hired anyone to replace Stephanie, but Dr. Peters daughters are in there helping out everyday, so it makes life a little easier and less stressful.

Rent House
It has been so hard being patient about the remodeling of the rent house I am getting ready to move into. They finally laid carpet and tile down the other day, everything is starting to fall into place so I should be moving within the next week or so. I am very excited about moving, I have been stuck in my parents house for the last year and a half. Let me tell you all something once you have been out of your parents house for a couple years, it is so hard moving back in with them, it's like all your privacy and freedom is gone. It is very hard to get used to. So getting back out on my own will be a very nice treat.

These last three weeks have been very crazy for Matt and I. Matt's best friend Scott came in from Iraq on leave about two weeks ago, so Matt and I spent most of our time over at Scott and Tanya's house playing Spades and Domino's, basically just spending as much time with Scott as we could. Scott shipped back out to Iraq on Monday 6/2/08 for another three months over there, then has should be home for good after that. I felt so bad for Scott's wife, Tanya, and their little three year old girl, Emma. The night before he left we were over there and Emma didn't want to go to bed because she didn't want her daddy to leave the next day, Scott had to try to explain to Emma that he would be back in three months. It was very sad. Now as of this week Matt is leaving today for Canada on his yearly fishing trip and will not be back until the 16th of June, so I get to spend 10 days without him. We have been dating for five months and spend most of our time together so ten days without is going to be kinda of tough on me, but I think I'll manage. In the end it will be better for us to see how well we do apart from each other.

Well I think I have written enough, I hope this helps on catching everyone up on whats going on in my life, and I will try to post more in a week or so.