Friday, July 18, 2008

Finally, Finally, Finally Moved In

That's right I am finally moved into the rent house. It is such a relief to finally be moved in to the house, I am so much closer to everything. There are still a few little things being done to the house, and Matt is trying to finish up all the electrical work. This house has given him so many problems. It is such an old house, and all of the wiring in it is not very good at all so he has been working his tail off trying to get it all fixed and safe for me to be there. My first night there wasn't that bad. I have never ever been by myself, so being in a new place with new sounds kind of scared me a little, but I'm starting to get over it and really starting to enjoy being there. I might posts some pics of the place as soon as I get some time, but for now I need to get back to work. See ya

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Fourth of July

I know the title says the fourth of july but we actually took the boat out on Hudson lake tonight to watch the fireworks display that Camp Dry Gulch puts on every year, and I have to say that I am still amazed by the show they put on. Every year it is amazing to see all the fireworks and all of the people that attend this show. Tommorrow night, the Fourth of July, we are also going out there again, but this time we will have a boat full of people, mostly younger ones, so it will be fun to see their reactions to the fireworks. Now on to more fun stuff that has been happening.

I have finally started moving some of my stuff in, but there is still some electrical work that has to be done in the kitchen, and the outside is going to need lots of TLC. It is still a working progress, but by the end of next weekend I should be settled and enjoying my house. By the way if anyone rents movies as much as my family does I would suggest joining netflix. I joined it a couple of weeks ago, and I have to admit that I love it.

I know it's been awhile since I have written on here, but just to let everyone know, Matt made it home safely from Canada. I'm pretty sure now that he is back home and back in the same routine, he can not wait to go back to Canada. I'm glad he is home though, I didn't realize how much I had missed him until I saw him his first night back.
Well I need to get to bed, I have a long day ahead of me tommorrow
I hope everyone has a Wonderful and Safe Fourth of July