Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday went really well. We went to church that morning, and my youngest sister Samantha got baptized. Later on after church we went to my great grandfathers house and ate lunch there. This easter the whole family was there, it was really nice getting to see all the little ones and catching up on whats going on in everybody elses life. The best part about easter was watching the little ones easter egg hunt, and then they hid the eggs for some of us older adults and we had to look for them, and my family is so competetive my aunts and I were running around picking up eggs putting them in the easter baskets and then we would come up behind each other and try to knock all the eggs out of the baskets. It was a blast!! Needless to say I didn't end up with very many eggs, thanks to my aunt Brandy and my aunt Stacey :) All in all it was wonderful easter with all of my family.