Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday went really well. We went to church that morning, and my youngest sister Samantha got baptized. Later on after church we went to my great grandfathers house and ate lunch there. This easter the whole family was there, it was really nice getting to see all the little ones and catching up on whats going on in everybody elses life. The best part about easter was watching the little ones easter egg hunt, and then they hid the eggs for some of us older adults and we had to look for them, and my family is so competetive my aunts and I were running around picking up eggs putting them in the easter baskets and then we would come up behind each other and try to knock all the eggs out of the baskets. It was a blast!! Needless to say I didn't end up with very many eggs, thanks to my aunt Brandy and my aunt Stacey :) All in all it was wonderful easter with all of my family.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

So Far So Good

Blogging is a new thing for me. I have started this blog to keep friends and family updated on what is going on in my life. So here it goes!

So Far So Good

Before last June I was not sure what I was going to do. I was only two classes from applying for the nursing program, but the two classes I needed were tough ones to pass, and they are even harder to pass when you don't want to get out of bed drive an hour and 15 there just to sit there for an hour class everyday. I know I was being pretty lazy in that department. So around the beginning of June I was looking for a second job to help pay bills and have enough money to drive back and fourth from school, then I got the best offer ever. I got an offer to work as a Chiropractors assistant at Peter's Family Chiropractic Center. At first I wasn't sure if I should quit school to work, and I think I was more worried what people would think if I wasn't still going to school. I fought with myself, and fought with myself about what to do, and finally I decided to take the job and quit school, and it has been the best decision I have ever made. I thank god everyday for helping me make that decision.

I have been working at Peter's Family Chiropractic Center for the last 9 months, and have enjoyed it very much. I have learned so much working there. I do all the Booking and Billing, and I also take X-Rays.

So far this last year has been wonderful and I am so thankful for everything and everyone in my life. Thanks to all you that have read this I hope you enjoyed it and it got you up to date on everything going on in my life.