Wednesday, April 9, 2008

By Myself Again

This past week into this week has been kind of hectic. As all of you know I work at Peter's Family Chiropractic Center and I have been working there since June '07. I think it was around November we hired one woman to give me a little help up here at the front desk, between paper work and taking x-rays it's gets a little tough to manage all of it and remember everything, she was doing alright, but towards the end of her probation period it just wasn't working out. I was doing twice the work I was doing before she came a long because I was constantly having to go behind her and fix things that she did wrong....I know not her fault because she was new but still it was very stressful. So January, Febuary, and the first week of March go by still working up at the front by myself and trying to manage everything. Then one day this young woman, about my age, walks through the door. We weren't really looking for anyone to hire at the moment, because I was doing pretty good managing all of it, but the Doctor and I both knew it would be nice to have someone to do the little tedious things. This young woman filled out an application, spoke to us for a little while, and left her resume. We were very impressed with her, and were both ready to give her a call to come back and try out working with us. Stephanie started working with us around middle March, it took alot of the little work off of my shoulders so I could focus on other things that needed to be done. Around the end of March Stephanie got married, and three weeks later found out they were expecting. Along with all of that exciting news stephanie had recieved, she was having issues with her 2 yearolds daycare, so we all decided it would be for the best for her to stay home with her daughter and the one on the way. So here we are beginning of April, and I am by myself again.

Eventually we will hire somebody but I think for the time being we are doing alright with just the doctor and I. We will see, hopfully we will get busier and have to hire somebody.

Hope everyone has a good week and weekend. Love Laura

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Long Weekend

This last weekend was a very long weekend for me


First of all on friday I was so glad it was friday until Matt told me he was spending his whole weekend helping a friend build a fence. That news right there kind of bummed me out because I knew then that I probably wouldn't get to see him all weekend. So friday night I spent at my parents house for a change, which was alright, I got to catch up on reading, and hanging out Samantha, my youngest sister.


I got to sleep in mmmmm..... after sleeping until about 10:ooam I got up and did some laundry and more reading, then I went to Pryor to go tan, and check on the rent house they are about done fixing up for me yah!! Then I went pre-bowled for sunday night league. On my way home after that exciting trip to pryor I decided to stop by my Aunt Stacey's house and see what all of them were up to. I ended up stayin there most the night thinking we were going to play cards, around ten o'clock we all decided we were to tired to do anything so I went back to my parents and went to bed, and I was missing matt like crazy, needless to say it was a restless night.


I slept in a little bit longer than I did Saturday, then Samantha and I got up did laundry and watched movies most the day until dinner time, then we went over to my Aunt Stacey's house and ate a tremendous meal prepared by my uncle James, it was really good. After we ate I sat around my aunts house with all of them and watched more movies.

Finally Matt called around 8:00pm so I went over there to see him. This was the first real weekend in a month that Matt and I had not been with each other all weekend. It was kind of hard being away from him, but I think I handled it really well, the real test comes in June when Matt leaves for his fishing trip in Canada for almost two weeks, now thats going to be hard. I'll keep you all posted on that dilema lol.